Sunday, April 5, 2009


Hello Beautifuls,

Cincinnati got a whole lot queer-er this weekend.
(And by that I mean, a whole lot more wonderful...)

Sully's was marvelous-- a sports bar transformed by 150 fantastic queers into a gender-bending, dance-filled, queer-love haven. It was possibly one of the cheapest nights for queers as well-- no cover, two dollar drinks, a VIP room, and penny drinks for ladies. I spent much of my night interacting with Sully's normal Friday night patrons. Discussing queer-ness in the bathroom with groups of women (he he) and telling guys that slapped my ass and told me to dance more on the bar that they should talk to Sully's about their sexually objectifying policies. Check out for more of a play by play. Next month is already in the works so get ready!

Check out "Stuff Queer People Need to Know" for some pictures of the Kiss-In. It was as if a force-field of queerness was surrounding the 20 or so of us as we kissed next to the fountain. Everything felt so safe and loving-- all of us able to show our affection freely.

Please post your experiences and stories! Get your voices heard!

We're making waves, one awesome party at a time.

lots of love,


1 comment:

  1. leave your comments, stories, questions, or experiences here!


How was this month's CGQB for you? Any stories, complaints, or favorite moments? Suggestions? Reflections? How did the bar do? Any requests for next month?